ONE on ONE offerings

  • Mama - you are vast.

    The most complex transition in a womans life, is barely held and understood by ourselves, our community, and society after all.

    No other role in society leaves us facing more the dusty spiderwebs of patriarchy, than becoming a mother.

    And there is little that needs more attention than the return of the mother into her power.

    She is the nervous system and the hearth of the family. She is the one who is raising the next generation, shaping our society.

    It is a path of sytemic untangling, of recovery and regeneration, of healing and re-memberance.

    The return to sovereignity.

    Centering into Mother, holds the power of the great mother.

    Reclaim your seat.

    60 min/ 1 Session - 150€

    60 min/ 4 Sessions/ 4 weeks - 500€

  • Systemic Coaching

    “Systemic thinking is an art form of creatively dancing with complexity that has the power to transform us and our world. It can make us see ourselves, and our world, with different eyes:” -Daniel Christian Wahl

    In systemic theory, we believe the individual to carry all the answers within. Be guided to re-connect in a safe and trauma sensitive container.

    In times of life transitions, orientation and/ or to generate well-being.

    60 min/ 1 Session - 150 €

    60 min/ 4 Sessions/ 4 weeks - 500€

  • Featured image: From ‘Energy Ecstasy and Your Seven Vital Chakras’, Bernard Gunther (North Hollywood: Newcastle Publishing Co., 1983), p107

    Relational Intelligence

    “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: If there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

    — Carl Jung

    Nobody told us being in relationship is work and an openness to grow. It is freeing from the first imprint of how relationship was mirrored to us.

    Being in relationship, is the masterpiece.

    It can become the biggest untapped resources, rather than another thing demanding your energy.

    Time to blossom. To liberate and transform.

    60 min/ 4 sessions/ 4 weeks - 700€

  • Broken Fingaz - Unga

    The artist's journey

    There is a general acceptance in getting lost as an artist.

    With truthful art , we able to lift the consciousness of this planet. It is a very aquarian act.

    From unblocking, to really building a foundation for the creative energy to flow.

    We are working with the plant medicines - the greatest artists, I know. .

    Get in touch.

  • Return to your Original Blueprint

    Individual journey into the Self, building the foundation, from which life flourishes.

    Whether we come from co-dependent relationships, narcissist mothers and/or the partners occupation. Unhealthy relationship dynamics are first reflected within the community of our body, the harm and the conditioning accumulated in early childhood, past lives, had caused us to compromise ourselves. Often we carry the imprint from birth onwards, and life will offer us many opportunities for tending towards it.

    Underneath, there is magic. Returning from compromised love, to unconditional love, turns life into wonder and offers you to walk aligned with your innate wisdom and purpose in this life.

    Our relations, are the fabric of our individual life, and life itself.

    Join me for a 6-week journey, back into what was always yours.